Coleção O brinquedo faz a história

Stela Barbieri e Fernando Vilela
Ed. Scipione, 2010

Os livros da coleção O brinquedo faz a história trazem sempre uma sugestão de brinquedo para o próprio leitor construir, com o passo a passo no final de cada volume.
E no site da coleção é possível encontrar veideos, brincadeiras e outros passatempos relacionados às histórias.

Collection Toys make up stories

Stela Barbieri (author)
Fernando Vilela (illustrator)
Publisher: Scipione, 2010

The Collection Toys Make up Stories, aimed at 8-year-old and on, present traditional oral narratives beautifully retold by Stela Barbieri , who is plastic artist, art educator and storyteller. The stories are illustrated by Fernando Vilela, whose acclaimed artistry lies most on the exquisite and innovative combination of traditional print techniques with the state-of-the-art means of print.
The books from the Collection always bring a suggestion of a toy, with a step-by-step sequence to be made by the reader, at the end of each volume.

Videos, plays and other pastime activities related to the stories told can be found in the Website. Access (

A onça e o bode

Stela Barbieri e Fernando Vilela
Ed. Scipione, 2010




O Boi Leição

Stela Barbieri e
Fernando Vilela
Ed. Scipione, 2010


O Bicho Manjaléu

Stela Barbieri e
Fernando Vilela
Ed. Scipione, 2010


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