O gênio do poço encantado
(Coleção Jeitos de mudar o mundo)

Stela Barbieri e Fernando Vilela
Escala Educacional, 2008.
Formato 18 x 20cm , 48p
Isbn 978-85-377-0403-5

Em certo lugar, havia um enorme poço que fornecia água pura e cristalina para a região. Aquela água era fresca e fonte de saúde, e a população dali acreditava que havia um gênio generoso que cuidava daquele poço. As pessoas viviam saudáveis e contentes. No entanto, com o passar do tempo, começaram a ficar doentes. As ervas e os remédios disponíveis não conseguiam curá-las. Sábios e doutores foram chamados e descobriram que as pessoas estavam ficando doentes porque a água do poço estava contaminada e um outro poço foi feito.

The genius of the enchanted well
(Collection Ways to change the world)

Stela Barbieri e Fernando Vilela
Publisher: Escala Educacional, 2008
Size 18 x 20cm
Paperback: 48 pages
Isbn 978-85-377-0403-5

Once in a certain place there was an enormous well that supplied the region pure and limpid water. The water came from a fresh and a healthy fountain, and the local people believed that inside it there was a generous genius that took care of that well. People used to live happily and with health. Nonetheless, as time went by, they began to get sick. The herbs and medicine available would not cure them. Wise men and doctors were called and found out that people were getting sick because the water was infected. At last another well was built.
This book is part of the Project Ways of Changing the World, based on the 8 Millennium Development Goals proposed by the United Nations. The sixth Goal, “Combat HIV/Aids, malaria and other diseases”, motivated The genius of the enchanted well. | F +55(11) 3875 6008