Satiko e o vulcão
(Coleção Jeitos de mudar o mundo)

Stela Barbieri e Fernando Vilela
Escala Educacional, 2008.
Formato 18 x 20cm , 48p
ISBN 978-85-377-0645-9

Satiko, grávida, vivia com a família em uma aldeia, às margens de um lago que, por sua vez, ficava aos pés de um vulcão. O vulcão até então nunca tinha entrado em erupção e soltava constantemente uma fumaça suave. No entanto, numa noite fria, a terra tremeu e o vulcão repentinamente, surpreendendo a todos, lançou com violência rios de lavas que invadiram o povoado. Satiko, cuidada pela comunidade, lutou pela sobrevivência.

Sachiko and the volcano
(Collection Ways to change the world)

Stela Barbieri and Fernando Vilela
Publisher: Escala Educacional, 2008
Size 18 x 20cm
Paperback: 48 pages
ISBN 978-85-377-0645-9

Sachiko, who was pregnant, used to live with her family in a village, on the lake bank, which, on its turn, was placed on the foot of a volcano. The volcano had never erupted and would always release a smooth smoke. However, in a cold night, the earth quaked and suddenly the volcano, overtaking everyone, spilled rivers of lava that invaded the village. Sachiko lost her husband and, looked after by the community, was assisted in her needs as pregnant.
This book is part of the Project Ways of Changing the World, based on the 8 Millennium Development Goals proposed by the United Nations. The fifth Goal, “Improve maternal health”, motivated Sachiko and the Volcano. | F +55(11) 3875 6008